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The sets were up, the lights were aimed, the sound was ready and the congregation was anxiously waiting to see their members step on stage and share the Gospel through drama and music. Of course, this was after hours of travel, carrying our props, lights, and costumes in and setting up. Things that are 'invisible' to the audience. But what is not invisible is the enthusiasm and the joy of the cast as they step out of their comfort zone and step on stage to tell His story. This wonderful ministry happened 19 times in 2011 and we are on target for twice as many in 2012.

PARABLES, Our New Production Ready for Your Church or...

Seeing a need to have a production that did not require volunteers, the writing team of Steve Short and Steve Newcomb created 'Parables' - a light hearted look at 4 parables through the characters of Jesus and two of his disciples, Naomi and Andrew. We have performed this at a number of churches where it has been well received, but we are excited about a new venue opportunity which has opened: performing for assisted living facilities. This gives us an opportunity to minister mid-week between our Sunday performances. Our responses have been wonderful. At a recent performance, one gentleman responded, "This was such a blessing and a bright spot in my day!"

Visit our website to read more and see clips of 'Parables' click here Let us know when we can bring 'Parables' to your church!

PUERTO RICO, February 2012

We took 'Parables' to Puerto Rico to the Church Without Walls in Rincon, an English speaking congregation. What a beautiful backdrop God gave us. But what a beautiful work the Holy Spirit did through our drama and Linda Short's testimony as many were touched by seeing and hearing that God still changes lives. We all have a testimony as we are reminded by the woman at the well, "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony" (John 4:39a NIV)

We made contacts with various pastors to discuss future outreach opportunities. Oh, and we did have some time to enjoy the beautiful island!